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Selectmen Minutes 07/18/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 18, 2006

Present:  Chairman Stephen MacCleery, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.

Five interviews for the Administrative Assistant position were conducted.

Board Discussion – The Evans/Crannell situation was discussed.  Mr. Crannell did not show for his 8:15 appointment.  Selectman DeBold will contact town council on how to proceed.

Ann Fournier has filed an application with the BOA.  Should the BOS lift the stay since this action has been taken?  Selectman Colbert feels the town needs to move forward regardless of the BOA public hearing.  The board was in agreement.

The state would like a document sent to them authorizing the current BOS chairman to sign the OHRV grant.  An addendum is being made to the May 23, 2006 minutes stating that the BOS discussed the OHRV grant with Police Chief Clarke that had past Chairman Richard DeBold’s signature on it, and agreed that the current Chairman, Stephen MacCleery, is authorized to sign the grant, which he did.

Chairman MacCleery reported that Mark Vanson from PF Moran, representing the Congregational Church called him to say the state wants a letter from the BOS authorizing the church to change the access to Pound Rd.  Is this a BOS issue or Planning Board?  Mr. Vanson has met with the Road Agent and ironed out some of the problems.  Selectman DeBold feels the PB has to see the plans first since they are modifying the entrance from a town road onto a state road.  Selectman Colbert commented that the right-of-way is the BOS responsibility.  He doesn’t have a problem with it if it is okayed by the PB.  Selectman DeBold added that a newly revised island was shown to the PB at their last meeting and they were happy with it.  Selectman MacCleery will call Mr. Vanson and ask him to get on the agenda for next week.

The BOS received a letter from the PB requesting them to contact a business on Swiggey Brook Rd that has had a change of use without a site review on file.  They will be informed that they need to contact the PB to get on the agenda.  Also, a letter will be sent to Larry Leppard questioning him about the sale of used cars on his property.

It was reported that Officer Josh Wright was involved in an accident on Rte. 4.  He was not seriously injured and the cruiser is fixable.  

Selectman Colbert will meet with Erin about Ron Lesieur painting the downstairs of the town hall and color selections.

There was a question about the new door to the town offices and the possible lettering of it so the public would know they are using the correct entrance.  The BOS were in favor of this and funds will be used from town buildings.

Selectman DeBold drafted a letter to the Committee On Town Organization that was enacted at town meeting.  To their knowledge this committee has not met and the BOS would like to know the status of this committee since there was enthusiastic interest at town meeting.

Gilbert Vien spoke with Selectman DeBold to ask if there was a problem when he was working for the town if he responded to a rescue call.  Mr. Vien stated that the RA didn’t have a problem with this.  He could not be prohibited from doing it as a good Samaritan.  Selectman DeBold would like to do further research on this.

Minutes of 7/11/06 were corrected & signed.  Checks were signed, e-mails and correspondence were reviewed.

Selectman DeBold motioned, after interviews and lengthy discussion, that Lisa Stevens be hired as Administrative Assistant conditional upon reference call to the town of Deerfield and criminal background check.  Selectman Colbert seconded.  Vote was 2-1 in favor.  Motion carried.

Being no other business, meeting was adjourned at 11:02 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Holly MacCleery, Secretary

Chairman, Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert

Richard DeBold